Jolene Guilliams is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Her practice is in Santa Barbara, California
Unsure of where to start? Try a free phone consultation!
Jolene Guilliams is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Her practice is in Santa Barbara, California
Unsure of where to start? Try a free phone consultation!
Jolene Guilliams is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist practicing in Santa Barbara, California. She is a trained Somatic Psychotherapist and her practice is uniquely tailored toward supporting clients in developing tools to create meaningful, lasting change. Individuals, families, and couples are welcome.
Weekly therapy sessions are ideal for the development and achievement of treatment goals. Services are offered for individuals, families, and couples.
The first few sessions will be tailored toward developing a mutual understanding of your goals. Later sessions may integrate talk, somatic, and art practices.
If you're ready to schedule your initial session or if you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Read about my work through the experiences of clients that I have been fortunate enough to accompany on their journey.